Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 1 - Eight Days of Laze

5:40 am  on Friday Nov. 7– I get up to help Row pack. The house looks like an earthquake just happened. Things are thrown everywhere. There are more electronics laid out on the kitchen table than Bill Gates has in his entire house.

Chaos ensues for the next 30 minutes. Bags are packed and unpacked as he looks to make sure items are packed. Where’s the camera? Where’s the car phone charger? Do I have rubber bands? Where as I would be looking for more pertinent items… like passports (his is laying on the floor waiting for one of the dogs to chew it to pieces) or airline tickets or do I have my teeth in? (Note picture of him insuring me he has his teeth!)

This is exhausting. But I realize that it will soon be over and he will be off to the airport and I will crawl back in bed knowing there is a Hershey’s chocolate bar waiting for breakfast!
My head is spinning with delight as I envision days filled with watching Dr. Oz, streaming Dexter, and eating popcorn. I can’t wait! 

I know this is my last week of careless eating before I start my diabetes 'natural cure' program.  So of course - with no  adult supervision (my husband) this a crucial week for trying to hit as many of the deadly 7 sins. as possible.


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