Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mr B and I fill out the wellness forms

238 fasting sugar
Weight - 160 .2
Feeling:  word of the day - schizophrenic (half happy/half sad)

Nutrition - ha!
7:30 - coffee - lst with sugar, 2nd no sugar
10:30 Breakfast -
2:30 Lunch -
4:00 Snack -
6:30 Dinner -
9pm -
2 metformin, bp, chlor, 6 niacin, 10 kidney pills, 3 cups bark-o-tea,


The Daddy Babysitter (middle) takes care of Eva (left) and Millie (right)
Millie is on her puppy schedule.  Up at 2:30 for her to pee and drink water so she can pee some more. Up at 5:30 so she can pee, poop and drink water so she will wake up again in another few hours to pee.  Also playtime.  She is working on taking off my right index finger and knawing on my wrist.  Do you think she's trying to kill me?  She also accidentally bites my boob every so often.  It's big and shakes and maybe she thinks it's some kind of balloon toy.

I wake up and it's softly raining but that's going to throw my walk off.  Every dog (all five of them) are asleep on the bed.  Sammi, the shepherd, is trying to make friends will Millie by lapping her big tongue on her face.  Her tongue is longer than Millies face and after a couple of lickings, her entire head looks like it's been hit with a firehouse.  Mr. B is showing his distaste for her by shunning Millie.  The little old girls have moved to the foot of the bed.  I think they are considering jumping off it to commit suicide.  It's a long jump for miniature dashies.

I grab Mr. B up and take him in the spare bedroom (that I used to call Hankie's room) where I usually land in the morning to write and read before the daily mayhem begins.  Dog politics are running high in the house.  Every morning Hankie and I would get up and come in this room and I would read and have coffee.  I needed Mr B to join me so the memories of this room would get replaced with something alive.  Millie hasn't stopped my sadness.  Only time can help with that.  But changing dynamics is worth the try.

As for my health plan.  I really thought I did better yesterday.  And it's frustrating that even without eating a bag full of Oreos I'm still at 238.  I am definitely learning how fundamental exercise is and know I could knock at least 30 points off this number if I'd walk today.  But it's raining.  I'm not one of those Olympic type girls that get up in the freezing cold to ice skate my ass off for 8 hours before having a protein drink and skating again for another 8 hours while nursing my blisters and chanting 'be strong, be strong'.  I was very athletic growing up and active -- but also very much a girly girl.  But girls my age gave up those types of things so pretty much after 6tth grade, I traded chin-ups for the more traditional sit on the bleachers and watch play football.

I love the fact that it's raining but I hate the messing up of my exercise program.  If I was alone I would consider putting music on and dancing for an hour.  But the key word is 'consider'.

I'm about the dwelve into reading the 34 page document from Cuenca Holistic Wellness Center where I will divulge the intricacies of my eating and lifestyle habits.  I really don't have a lifestyle yet, but I am hoping they will find me a great, positive one.

I will fill them out in pencil, as I'm am non-committal in all things in life.

Note:  I don't know how to use spellcheck on this so fuck it.  I also have a computer that doesn't type certain letters sometimes.  It's always doing lie instead of like.  So that mistake is not Freudian, it's Microsoft fucking with my head..


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